To give hope to others for a brighter tomorrow

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide support to families burdened by medical bills and need options on finding specialized treatment outside of their local area. Individuals will use the funds for out-of -pocket traveling expenses which include transportation, food, and/or hotel expenses.

Cancer cell logo with no background
In 2020
1 + Million
Cancer cases were diagnosed in the United States.
A calculator with money bag logo with no background
In 2018
1 + Billion
cancer care cost averaged about 150.8 billion.


Cathy R. Watson “GiGi’s” Foundation exists because one woman who was battling a rare form of cancer had a vision. Cathy wanted to make a difference in the lives of others and one way she wanted to give back was by starting her own foundation. This foundation helps others who are battling rare kinds of cancer and needs assistance affording travel cost to various locations for specialized cancer treatment throughout the continental United States.


Coins in a jar with the word fundraising.


Group image of so many people smiling at the camera


A group of people standing together posing for a photo



Individuals with a rare form of cancer that will travel outside of their local region (100 miles or more) for a specialist.